Monday, November 30, 2020



Megabucks await the person or persons who will be the first to successfully design and create an effective tracking device that is small enough to be inserted into a pair of glasses, or one or more hearing aids, or especially into a set of dentures. We already have postage-stamp-sized tracking chips that are used for our helping us find our lost keys and we have software that can help us find our lost phones but now there we are presented with a challenge to develop a much, much smaller device for tracking these precious, expensive but essential devices. 

As the number of Baby Boomers is now reaching that time in life where they may tend to "forget" where they last placed they placed their glasses (..."No, sweetheart... they're NOT on top of my head... I already checked") or someone who might "positively" remember carefully laying their hearing aid on the side table but it had almost magically disappeared. Forgetfulness can be absolutely frustrating... especially at this time in a Boomer's life. Not finding one of these misplaced item could also end up being incredibly expensive. Why is this happening now? Where could that darn thing be? Theory: Maybe the doggie reached up onto the side table and decided to eat my hearing aid... or Maybe someone is pranking me by hiding my glasses... or Maybe someone has stolen my dentures because they want me to lose my sanity so that I will finally have to be sent to a long-term care facility... Oh, the examples of people nearing losing their minds looking for their expensive, misplaced items can go on and on ...and on. Oh, my!

Bottom Line... The Saints in Heaven are becoming quite exhausted with all the prayer requests they are receiving these days just from those desperately seeking help finding their lost devices. Heaven is unnecessarily being stormed these days with these prayer requests because Heaven knows that surely one of us can figure out a way to find these devices on our own without having to resort to some sort of tracking device dangling down their ears which is attached to their hearing aids where it looks like the tracking device is some sort of earring. It has to be clearly stated that the current tracking devices "just will NOT do" as a tracking device for dentures. Also, this ultra-small tracking device must contain a battery that can hold a charge long enough to keep the tracking advice operational for at least five (5) days before requiring it to be replaced or recharged). Successfully producing such a device will create a market bigger than one can imagine...not just here in the United States or even in North America... but in the ENTIRE WORLD! Such a device could deter all petty thefts as it could easily be hidden in our cars, on our motorcycles, on our lawnmowers, or even in our dog's collars because with this small tracking device any thief "picking-up" one of these tagged items can be quickly tracked down and swiftly be brought to justice.

NOTE TO PARENTS: Now, more than ever, is the time for you to strongly encourage your children to diligently study at school simply to inspire them to develop the mental tools necessary to be the first to design and produce this innovative tracking device and then become a millionaire, or maybe even a multi-millionaire or (...dare it to be said...) a BILLIONAIRE! What a tremendous motivation that will be for our youth but it should also be sufficient motivation for anyone who aspires to have unbelievable wealth! 

FINAL NOTE: Good luck to those who are willing to take on this awesome challenge... and by the way... for the sake of the sanity of tens of millions of Senior Citizens in this world... please, please, please hurry up!

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