Thursday, February 26, 2015

Baby Its Cold Outside_Sledding Adventure

Joy must be contagious.  Casual observers walking by and witnessing so many young souls slip-sliding down a huge hill (on purpose) cannot help but feel the sheer happiness in the air.  Though the freezing temperature gave concern for hypothermia setting-in or the possibility of frostbite taking a few toes... the squeals and the laughter warmed heart and soul.  In the end, a mug of hot chocolate will re-warm the body to match the soul.

Baby Its Cold Outside_Sledding Adventure

Joy must be contagious.  Casual observers walking by and witnessing so many young souls slip-sliding down a huge hill (on purpose) cannot help but feel the sheer happiness in the air.  Though the freezing temperature gave concern for hypothermia setting-in or the possibility of frostbite taking a few toes... the squeals and the laughter warmed heart and soul.  In the end, a mug of hot chocolate will re-warm the body to match the soul.