Saturday, March 2, 2013

Episode 2 - Year of my Mid Life

Episode 2

As previously revealed... this is the year of my midlife (believe it or not) ...which means that this humble human has every intention on walking upon this good earth quite a bit longer.  Though this midway mile-marker is cause for celebration and change, it is generally assumed that whenever anyone reaches this particular year of their “own” midlife (be it 40, 45, 50... or however many years old) ...certain challenges (maybe even mid-course corrections) must be expected. If not thoroughly prepared for the challenges that certainly will be thrown to body, mind and spirit, one might be tempted to try to tackle any or all of the presented challenges by themselves. Confronting challenges singlehandedly is pure foolishness. A team approach is needed 
and essential.

Caution:  Approaching any of these challenges without proper assistance and guidance can spell disaster for the mid lifer and create unnecessary diversions in the year in question.   Some foolish individuals attempting to meet these challenges without a strong team will likely stumble and fall flat on their face.  Typically,  anyone who has fallen prey to “pretty poor prior planning” usually resort to erratic, bizarre behaviors and actually create (for him/herself) what might be termed a “midlife crisis”).  So, first rule to avoid a crisis like this: “Once you have identified the onset of your own midlife year, make certain that you develop a solid team to assist and guide you through this critical year.”

Since the role of this team is to intercede for me on my behalf during this long 12 month season, the team roster of Team MDJ will ideally be filled with various personalities with strength and talent on both defense and offense, the team name most appropriately must be named “The Intercessors”.

By reading the first post in this series of the Year of My Mid Life, one can safely assume the first player drafted to “The Intercessors” would be none other than my own patron saint... Michael, the Archangel (....aka San Miguel). Michael brings to Team MDJ and to "The Intercessors" a wealth of experience battling the strongest of opponents and he always uses his shield to defend and his sword to root out obstacles as their challenges are presented to this mid lifer and the challenges that will surely arise.

Intercessory Prayer to St. Michael

Saint Michael the Archangel,
defend us in battle;
be our protection against the wickedness and snares of the devil.
May God rebuke him, we humbly pray:
and do thou, O Prince of the heavenly host,
by the power of God,
thrust into hell Satan and all the evil spirits
who prowl about the world seeking the ruin of souls.