Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Never Too Old To Learn

The greatest thing in life is to keep your mind young.
Henry Ford

On the eve of Mother's Day 2010, those who were watching late night television were treated to octogenarian Betty White hosting Saturday Night Live. Why were so many people *surprised* that this 88 1/2 year old comedienne could still perform with the best? This lovely lady is truly an inspiration to those who are a generation or two removed from her. An inspiration ... a role model... but none of us should be surprised by her talent and energy because she is only 88 and a half years old.

My own mother is only a few years younger than Betty White (...sorry, Mother for giving away your age) and this woman too is an inspiration and a worthy role model to her children, grandchildren and great grandchildren.  Years ago, after some of her children had already started college, the matriarch of our clan decided to give higher education "the old college try". She surprised some folks because she excelled in *all* of her studies. These people may have been surprised at our mother because she was one of the oldest students ...yet she had (correction... *has*) one of the sharpest minds in all academia.

This Mother's Day, some of her children went together and gifted Mother with the latest technological gadget ( IPad). True to form, our mother embraced this new technology and once again proved that, "No one is ever too old to learn." Again, it should not surprise us that this octogenarian, ...a great-grandmother, would enthusiastically learn something new. Her genuine enthusiasm for life-long learning should inspire all of us.

A couple of years ago my Beloved began a four year journey pursuing a Master's degree. Though my wife might be a bit older than the typical grad school student she is competing with the best of them. It should come as no surprise to her friends and family that she is doing exceptionally well academically in all of her classes. Only two more years till she gets the coveted sheepskin. In the meantime ...and forevermore... she will be an inspiration to the godchildren and others, encouraging them to excel in their studies and enthusiastically pursue their dreams because... "You are Never Too Old To Learn."