Sunday, February 22, 2015

Trajineras de Xochimilco 2014

More than a half of a century ago, our 5th grade Social Studies book had a large article about the world-famous floating gardens near Mexico City. The book back then claimed that these floating gardens were one of the Seven Wonders of the Modern World.  It became a dream of that 5th grader to someday visit that very color-filled site. Though we have visited Mexico City several times before this, the dream finally came true when we visited Xochimilco Mexico (...not too far from Mexico City). It is as if there was a little Venice in Mexico.  The brightly colored trajineras (boats) each has female name and just about every Latina we know could have ridden in her own personal trajinera. Thought about each of them that day ...but of course, my favorite one carries the name of my own Princesa (Patricia).